What Gets God's Attention!

What Gets God's Attention!

I heard this story recently about this very successful man, who said he thought all of success was just about having stuff. So he went after stuff like cars, houses and airplanes, and he said still wasn't happy, so he thought well maybe I need better stuff, hence he went after better cars, houses and airplanes, but he still wasn't happy as he thought, “Well maybe, I've got the wrong stuff maybe. I need like a professional football team.” So he went and bought the Seattle Seahawks and he still wasn't happy, because he should have bought the Dallas Cowboys. But anyway he said “I am still just unhappy trying to find what is it that's gonna make me feel alive”, and he said one day a friend of his called him up and asked him to go on this outreach with him this mission trip, and he said at this outreach they were giving wheelchairs to kids, who had lost their legs in landmines over in Bosnia and Croatia. So he said he flew over there and he's placing these precious little kids in these wheelchairs; and all of a sudden this 11-year old little boy just grabbed his leg and with tears just pouring down his face, said through an interpreter he said “please don't leave yet”. The wealthy man said “why”. He said because I want to memorize your face. The wealthy man asked what is he saying this for. The little boy replied when we get to heaven, I want to say thank you one more time. This wealthy man just started crying and he said “for the first time in my life I felt pure joy.” 

Well this is why Joy comes from Giving, and do you know, when you're the most liked by the God! It’s, when you give. You've heard the scripture, the famous one, John 3:16. “This is for God so loved that he gave”. 

I want you to know that when you become a giver that attracts God's attention. I believe that is

the key that gets God's attention is when you give. Here's the thing wealthy successful people those who are thriving in life at fulfilling God's plan for their life, they realize that their finances are actually seeds that position them for great wealth. This is what you know wealthy successful people they look at their finances they're giving as an opportunity to increase their ability to have more. The Bible actually says in Galatians 6:7 that “a man's harvest and life depends entirely upon the seeds that he shows”. Well, it's referring to financial seeds, a man's harvest and life depends entirely upon the seeds. When God finds somebody that he can trust with great wealth & money, get ready he's gonna keep pouring it on you because he knows that you have a generous heart a giving heart and he can trust you with more fact the Bible actually says it's possible to give and yet become richer.

I grew up with parents who had this ingrained it in me. Since I was a little girl, my parents were struggling financially, had nothing but they were just learning the Word of God, and then they began to realize this principle that “if you have a great need, so a great seed”. This is what they would say, “if you're down to your last dollar, don't dare spend it. Just sow it. It's just like a farmer’s situation; if he was down to his last seed he's not gonna eat, he's going to put it in the ground, because he goes he knows that it has the potential to grow and to flourish. It has to be sown well. God works the same way. So having that ingrained within me, changed my mindset, and it prepared me for what I'm doing today. For example, when I was trying to get pregnant and I could not conceive, I had already lost a baby; nobody knew what went wrong with my body. You know what I did, I looked every pregnant woman I could find, and I sewed season to them. I hosted many baby showers and bought diapers for those pregnant women. Why! Because they had what I was believing for. Again, when I wanted to get my books published, I sowed financial seed money into someone else's, whose books changed my life, because I said I want that anointing on my ministry in my books so I gave to their ministry. When I started the Icing Women's Conference, I gave a big financial gift to Joyce Myers ministry, because she already had a successful Women's Conference, so as I want that anointing on my conference. I remember, when we're looking for offices here in Rockwall, I gave a financial gift to you Joel Osteen, because he got the former Compaq Center valued at four hundred million dollars. He got for seven and a half million, and I want that kind of anointing on our offices well. Now we have the most beautiful offices on Lake Ray Hubbard. Again, I remember years ago, Ronnie and me believe to sell our house and we've done everything that I teach. We had the vision board on the wall, we're declaring our houses sold in Jesus name, we're doing everything we know to do well one day it dawned on me. I said, “Rodney every dream we've ever seen come to pass in our lives, we've always given an offering for it, and we've sown a seed. We've never had sown a seed for our house to sell.” And he said, “You're right, we've never done that.” So on a Monday morning, we sent an offering to someone, who we just believed in their ministry was changing our lives, we sowed his seed on Monday morning and by Friday the house sold. I'm not making this up, but I believe that scripture that says, “A man's harvest and life depends entirely upon the seeds of these dough”. 

It’s really funny that we tend to give more to generous people. In fact a team did a little marketing experiment. They said that when you're at a restaurant, and if a waiter or waitress leaves a mint with your bill, the tip goes up by 3.3%. It’s because they gave something you want to give back. If they leave two mints, the tip goes up by 14.1%. If they walk away and come back, and say because I like y'all so much here's a bunch of mints, the tip goes up 24%. And, that’s really crazy, isn’t it!

The God is the same way when he sees someone who's generous with what they have, while the size of the seed isn't as significant or as important as the value of the seed. A dollar may not mean something to someone else, but to you it could be a lot. God looking at what it means to you. Hence, show God that you can be trusted with what you do have, because when he finds someone who can be trusted he's gonna pour wealth on them. 

It's like when a car is stuck in the mud, and you just need someone to push. You just need a little traction so you can get moving. Well that's what happens, when you start giving. When you start looking for opportunities to be a blessing to someone else, I believe you just gotten a little traction in your life to get out of the mud you're in and get moving with God's plan for your life.

I am so convinced that giving is a vital key to success, and it gets God's attention. So, look for opportunities to be blessed. And when you do it, God's will get involved in your life.

So if you've enjoyed the podcast share this with a friend be sure to subscribe, follow Terri on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, so that she can keep you motivated to achieve your dreams.

Source: Youtube channel of Terri Savelli Foy


Twitter: @terrisavellefoy
Instagram: @terrisavellefoy


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